NewHelpPath$ = RTrim$(InputBox$("Error Finding Help Files. Enter Drive and Directory where they are loaded. Default (assigned in .BAS file) is C:\VB. Enter:", "Help Index Path", HelpPath))
If NewHelpPath$ = "" Then Exit Sub
' Resume program execution with statement causing error
Resume LoadIndexAgain
End Sub
Sub LoadHelpText ()
On Error GoTo TextError
' ** Help File data and index paths are stored in the first
' ** lines of the ALEX.BAS file
' ** Their default locations are C:\VB directory
' ** If they are not found there you will be prompted below to
NewHelpPath = RTrim$(InputBox$("Error Finding Help Files. Enter Drive and Directory where they are loaded. Default (assigned in .BAS file) is C:\VB. Enter:", "Help Text Path", HelpPath))
If NewHelpPath$ = "" Then Exit Sub
' Resume program execution at satement causing error
Resume LoadTextAgain
End Sub
Sub LookupText (HelpTopic As String)
HelpText.selstart = Len(HelpText.Text)
'InStr returns location of text using the HelpTopic as lookup
' CSng convert this value for use in positioning
' within text box
If InStr(StartSearch, HelpText.Text, HelpTopic) > 1 Then